Thursday, April 17, 2008


Sarah has a tooooooooooth! Finally! It's just one little razor-sharp line along her bottom gum, but at least we know she has teeth in there somewhere. It poked through yesterday, and she's 15 months old today.

She's also very self-conscious about it, is favoring her bottom gum, and woke up twice last night screaming about it. I'm going to carry Tylenol with me while we're out and about at the zoo today.


the design boss said...


Robyn said...

Congrats on the tooth Sarah! Noah doesn't have any teeth yet either. He's been chewing on his hands since he was two months old, and everyone says he's teething, but he's not.

Melissa said...

Hooray Sarah!! Sorry libby. I think you should add tylenol in the bag for your headaches as well!!