Friday, October 24, 2008

Possibly the weirdest conversation I've had all week

We, the TV addicts we are, are up catching up on episodes of "Life," which is either cynical or exhilarating, and I'm still not sure which.

So on the screen, Charlie asks an animal activist why she's wearing leather shoes, and she says they're gym shoes, but it turns out they're really "Jim" shoes — Jim, the founder of the activist group, willed his body for manufacturing purposes to raise people's consciousness.

At this point Scott pauses the DVR and says, "Libby, when I die I want you to turn my skin into shoes and wear me."

"Can I dye them red?"

"Sure. But they won't hold the tan — they'll just crack and peel and be white again, like me."


Markie said...

Oh, how I love imagining this conversation. You know a marriage is on solid ground when your hubby wants you to wear his skin on your feet.

Sarah Kay said...


Sam and fam said...

something only Scott Boss would dream up...

Em Russ said...

ahh hhhaah hhaa ahh ha ha!!

Stacee Maree said...

oh that was too good. my mom even laughed and then said saw that episode

Gigi said...

Just checking: the same Scott who was disturbed by our idea of turning mom into a diamond?

Unknown said...

Oh my...Scott CRACKS me up!!! He's always so funny when he doesn't plan on it. I'm dying....