Thursday, September 18, 2008

Help! I'm parenting a teenager!

Okay, not really. But here's Beth slouched down on the couch last Thursday, watching TV:

Here's the outfit she was wearing that day: a vintage-look silkscreened T-shirt and straight-leg jeans (check out the pose):

The absolute last straw was when I was stirring frozen peas into a pot of boxed mac 'n cheese and called her to lunch. She stalked into the kitchen, looked at the bare table and the pot on the stove, said, "I can't eat it. You're still making it," and stalked back out.


Jessie said...

That's so funny!!! I love those poses!! Man, does that outfit come in my size??!!

Reggs said...

HA HA HA HA!!! Oh my goodness, I think Beth and Piper would be great friends. I just laughed at her comment. Sooooo what 3 year olds love to say.
Speaking of, we're coming to Bean Town for Thanksgiving!! I sure hope we get to see you guys again!

Melissa said...

I totally know how you feel! Tanner acts like he's 16 half the time. He would be so happy if you turn on music videos on the computer! He wants to watch them by himself with the door closed! We're not allowed to come in! *sigh* I'm in trouble! Beth looks so big! And adorable! :) love the clothes!

Robyn said...

Love the pose. Beth is a pretty smart girl, she's right you know. You can't eat something that isn't ready yet. Oh boy, I can't wait until Noah learns to talk.

Cynthia said...

Annika still likes popping out from behind the corner and scaring us and growling like a tiger, but she is showing a little bit of an ornery side, so, who knows. Beth is GORGEOUS! Its the beauty you really have to worry about!

Sara said...

Great pose...and your kids are gorgeous. You're in trouble when they hit 16.

Markie said...

I cannot believe how much Sarah looks like Beth at that age! I can see the differences, but the resemblance is much more striking than when she was a baby. What cuties.